Journal Entry 46: Dreams and Deadly Artifacts




I’ve decided to rise early, aiming for what might be the quietest part of the day to meditate, before the birds greet the rising sun with their squawks and songs. To my surprise, I did not find Netlien sleeping near me. She must have decided to get an early start as well. I couldn’t understand that decision though, considering how unsafe she had said she felt, wanting to have company during sleep. Yet she decides to continue travel in the dark. A very sweet and delightful individual, but perhaps not too bright.

I take a few bites of the modest rations I had managed to procure from Yeri’s wagon and settle in to quiet my mind. I slow my breathing and make my best effort to clear any thoughts that arise. Images from what I saw through the other Januae’s eyes flash in my mind… in particular being captured by Cyunn and, of course, death by shatarak. The quiet of early day is flooded with mental noise, and I surrender to the fact that I will not jaunt.

I decide I may do well to visit Narla Deshu, as Dynafel is just over a week’s travel from here. She could hopefully provide me some council as to where I should go next to spread word of the Amber Pope’s ill conceived crusade. Perhaps she can even help me find the discipline to sill my mind, then I can gain control of the jaunting ability. And of course it would be a delight to see her again after so many years. Well, at least for this Januae.

Travel was uneventful as I had hoped, though distant howls of broken hounds made for a couple nights of restless sleep. Thankfully I encountered none of those creatures and I arrive safely to Dynafel, albeit with my food rations nearly depleted.

The semblage is much the same as I remember it, a set of worn cottages where Narla Deshu works with a couple other Aeon Priests. When she answers the door upon my arrival she throws her arms around me and takes me into a tight embrace.


Januae!!! I can’t tell you how delighted and relieved I am to see you alive and well! Please, come in!


Thank you, Narla. It’s so good to see you again! How long has it been now?


At least a month, I reckon. I wasn’t sure I would see you again, frankly.


Oh yeah… my duplicate.


That woman came here looking for you, the bounty hunter. She forced me to tell her where you went! I didn’t want to, but she promised she wouldn’t hurt you. I’m so sorry, Januae. I did not intend to cause you any further hardship.


I know you didn’t. It’s alright now.


I’m just glad she wasn’t able to find you.


Actually, Narla, she did find me. She captured me. When she did, I… he…


This is going to take a bit to explain…


You know when I came here before, with the vest and all that? That wasn’t me.


(laughs incredulously)

Of course that was you! We shared some memories, we spoke much as we had when you worked with me years ago. Are you saying that was some sort of imposter?


No, nothing like that. You see, I don’t know if I told you this when I was here before, but… that was my duplicate.


Your… duplicate?


Yes. Well, when I jaunted away after being brought back to the Durkhal I found myself in the Twinned Cities. But there was two of me. It’s like we were replicated during the jaunt. Probably by the Ustiliator…


The… Ustiliator?


It’s a… well, it’s… never mind that. Suffice it to say there were two of me after I jaunted. One version worked with the girl in Jargolamis, that’s the one who came to see you. I am the other version.


I see. Dare I ask what became of the one who came to see me?


I’m sorry.

NARLA DESHU emits a gasp


I had a… vision of sorts. I was able to see his experiences through his eyes, up until the moment he was killed. He was destroyed by a shatarak, not by the bounty hunter.


It’s just so… shocking. Even though you stand before me, to know that you– I mean, he… when all he wanted to do was to learn to control his jaunting esotery.


Ironically that is why I’ve come to see you. I arrived at the Gtharren Valley where he was killed, so since I was not far from here I figured I would come to see you to get advice on how to control the jaunting. As well as another matter.


I don’t see how that’s ironic…


Well, we parted ways because he was set on figuring out how to control the jaunting while I was set on stopping the Amber Pope’s crusade. It seems I’m now intent on trying to accomplish both.


I’m not sure I can help you figure out how to control your esotery but you can’t expect me to help you stop the crusade.


The other Januae didn’t tell you, did he? Figures, since he was not as concerned with it. I’ve learned that the crusade is merely a propaganda tool to unite the Nine Kingdoms against a common enemy.


If the crusade is the Amber Pope’s will, then it is our call to support him as Aeon Priests, Januae. We took a vow to the Order of Truth!


Not if this cause will cost the lives of thousands upon thousands of innocent people! I’ve met the Gaians… they are not the aggressors! They mean no ill intent toward the Steadfast as they hardly know of our existence!


There must be a greater plan in this, Januae. We have to put our trust in it. The Amber Pope is guided by the magnificence of the Prior Worlds. He will lead us to greatness if allowed. You were charged with researching long distance teleportation, correct? Imagine the implications of such a device! Being able to travel the Ninth World without having to face the incredible dangers that lay between aldeias, towns, and cities! This is the nature of utilizing prior world technologies, to improve our lives, to help us live better, longer, and more safely. Queen Whenith’s decree to research technology that would provide access to the dream world was born from the depths of her insanity, but look at all the great discoveries that have come forth from it! It is the greatest minds that can see that the ends often justify the means, even if they seem horrific at first glance. But if we can see past it, through it, we can see the greater good that waits to be unveiled.


Are you saying you’re advocating for this… criminal action against the people of the Spiritlands?


Make no mistake, Januae. I am no advocate of war or the loss of lives! But I have made a pledge as an Aeon Priest to support the Amber Pope and the Order of Truth. I put my faith in what it stands for and the greater good of its purpose and its mission. I have dedicated my life to it and I am proud to say it has not been in vain.


Please understand, I have the utmost respect for your devotion to the Order, Narla. After learning the truth of this initiative though, I could not in good conscience support it, which is why I no longer consider myself an Aeon Priest. I have a new purpose now.


By the same regard I respect your decision, Januae. You have to do what you have to do.


So are you still willing to help me control my jaunting ability?


I am, but I’m not sure how I can help…


You may be able to help me still my mind enough to initiate the jaunting esotery. The echoes of the other Januae’s demise is too distracting.


I may have some devices I can modify to get you close to a dream state. That might help you gain the focus you need.


I’d appreciate that. I’d also like your help in figuring out which lands I should visit in my quest, ones in which I can have the greatest impact in deterring them from joining the crusade.


You know I can’t help you in your mission if it goes against the Order, Januae. Haven’t you been listening?


Yes, I understand.


Can you at least tell me who the archbishops are of the Nine Kingdoms? I spoke with Iijeo in Pytharon already and I know Slemtar is in Milave, though I have no desire to go back there. Speaking with Nadret Lann in Qi would be futile. Chetena is in my homeland, that much I know. But the others I don’t know of.


I have trouble keeping up with who’s assigned to which lands. The archbishop of this land, Uloq, is difficult to reach. He insists upon strict appointments and schedules and he carefully balances his meetings to avoid showing favoritism to any of the factions throughout Iscobal. Graldu is Archbishop of Navarene but he is merely a prop, as impotent as a neutered eelcat. The Archbishop of Malevich is either Tnoust or Jsang. Both were in contention for that appointment but I don’t know who was selected. Who’s been appointed to the other lands, I couldn’t tell you.


Hmm… a new appointment to Malevich might be less established and more impressionable.


Or they may have something to prove and would be more resistant to going against the Amber Pope’s plans.


I think I’ll start there once I’m able to get my mind still enough to jaunt. It’s as good a place as any. Oh… one more thing. I was able to obtain a shard from the Gtharren Crystal. I’d like you to take a look at it and see if you can tell me anything about it.


Well, at least you were able to obtain the shard your duplicate set out for. Let’s have a look.

JANUAE looks through his knapsack but comes up empty


Where is it? I’m sure I put it in here! Wait a minute… don’t tell me…


What’s the matter?





I take it you found my new place okay?


I wouldn’t say that. Why did you relocate? Is someone onto you, Humner?


Me? You should know better than that. No, the other location collapsed in on itself. All the buildings in that row started melting. At this point they are nothing but a pool of metal, synth, and wood pulp.


That’s why I hate this city. How people can stand to live in these ruins, I don’t know. All the buildings here should be salvaged for numenera. Now Mulen, that’s a city! Have you been there before, Humner? All the beautiful artwork, the palace gardens, and those magnificent glass towers that catch the sunlight over the bay as the sun sets?


Along with the constant assassinations and underworld dealings? Thank you, but with all its decay and ruin, Rachar seems like a much safer place.


On that, we will agree to disagree.


Actually, you may have an opportunity to make a trip to Mulen. I have a buyer that runs back and forth between Mulen and Qi regularly. One of his clients is the Order of Truth. The Papacy is often in search of numenera for their studies and projects. Far more interesting though are his other two clients. The court of tiKalloban and the House of Sarromere in Mulen. Conflict between them has ramped up ever since the Sarromere brothers hired the Cold Grasp to try to assassinate the king. Did you know the Cold Grasp is headquartered in Mulen?


You should have asked if I cared.


Well, Queen Thera has called upon the Masked Legion to deal with the Sarromeres and the Cold Grasp. Conflict is very good for business.


You know politics bore me, Humner. I heard womp womp womp opportunity womp womp womp buyer. All’s I want to know is if you found someone who might be interested in this…

NETLIEN produces the shard she took from JANUAE


Pretty. Though he is not an art dealer, so I can’t imagine–


It’s more than just an art piece. It supposedly has the ability to power devices. I heard about this giant crystal in the Gtharren Valley and went to get a piece from it. I met a man there who, shall we say, saved me the trouble.


You can’t easily move it if you can’t confirm what it does.


Well it does something. It’s imbued with numenera, I’m sure of it. See how my eyes are watering?


Yes, yes, that’s all well and good. But our buyer is in the market for something specific. He has word that the Mayor of this city, Terrhvyss, has a vault on his estate filled with numenera. Word is that an ancient artifact nearly took his life and now he collects any and all he can find to keep them out of the hands of the population, supposedly for their own good. If he wants to rid the world of the numenera I can’t understand why he hoards it. Anyway, there is a specific piece our buyer is interested in that Terrhvyss is rumored to possess, a deadly artifact that could be very useful to the Cold Grasp and would fetch more than a few shins for whomever obtains it.


Okay, tell me about this artifact.


From what I’m told it’s a greenish-yellow metallic object, somewhat round, about the size of a squimmelon. It has a groove cut into it around the circumference. Be careful in handling it though. If you accidentally press your fingers into the indents at the top you’ll have barely a second before it ejects a thin sheet of molten glass from the groove, which will instantly harden into a ringed blade of glass that expands in all directions out from the object.


Ooh, that could hurt a bit.


Only for a moment. After that you will never again feel pain, believe you me.


And you think I have the means to get my hands on it?


With your endearing charm and that ability of yours, I would say you’re the perfect person for this job. Are you interested?


Damn it! I wish I was better at saying no. This sounds really risky.


Did I mention that Terrhvyss is one of the king’s closest friends?


Great. It just keeps getting better. You do realize all of this will drive up the asking price for this artifact?


That’s between you and the buyer.



I’ll do it. Tell me everything I need to know about this Terrhvyss guy.


Well, he has a metal hand, more like a claw, and an artificial eye. He seems to be self conscious of them as he constantly tries to keep both concealed. You may be able to do something with that information…