Interstitial: Hiya from Shoum



Hello, Shawn. Come on in. Please, have a seat, though I should let you know I need to make this brief.


Thank you, Professor Iseon. It’s Shoum, by the way. Apparently that’s hard for you to remember.


Yes, well what did you want to see me about?


Well, I’ve come to dispute the assessment you gave me at the end of the course. It was not even close to a fair assessment.


I beg to differ. I assessed your level at mediocre because your final presentation in ultradimensional studies was underwhemling at best.


I don’t at all agree with that assessment. I am one of the most talented student not only in your class, but I hold some of the highest merits in the University of Doors. This is this not an accurate assessment of my knowledge and abilities and you know it. You realize your assessment will keep me from getting into the upper tier program. You know I deserve to be in that program!


I know no such thing. Here, let’s look at the final paper you wrote. “Reorientation and Shared Consciousness in the Prellti Dimension”. You do know there is no such dimension, Shawn?


It’s Shoum, and I know for a fact there is such a dimension. I’ve been to the Prellti dimension. I have studied the beings there and have brought them back to our dimension so they can study ours. You know how I was able to do this? Because I am the only one in your class who has the ability to perceive other dimensions, remember? I was able to discover and explore the Prellti dimension because I can see it. Just because you can’t see it or you’ve never heard of it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.


Yes, well, let’s see what you say in your “essay”, shall we? “The noncorporeal inhabitants of this dimension often share a non-localized consciousness, sometimes making it difficult for a non-native of the dimension to discern one from another, though they certainly display aspects of individualism, often demonstrated through the variations in how they perceive non-physical stimuli in the Prellti dimension.” Do you see how this sounds like a child’s tale?


You really think a child would write like that?


Yes. Look at your handwriting.


Well, I admit my handwriting is not my strong suit… but that’s what I’m talking about right there, that’s the source of the problem. I think you have a prejudice toward me.


A prejudice? Ridiculous.


Is it? You treat me like a child at every turn. You can’t seem to look past the fact that I appear to be a nine year-old girl, even though I repeatedly remind you that I’ve been alive twenty-seven years. In your mind I am only nine years old and you seem to have some kind of cognitive dissonance accepting that I am actually an adult.


Shawn, I think it’s absolutely adorable that you think I have some sort of “prejudice” against you, but I assure you I don’t take physicality into account. If you were actually a twenty-seven year-old woman who wrote this paper, I would give it the same regard, I assure you.


That’s the thing… I am a twenty-seven year-old woman!


Yes, of course you are. Be that as it may, I stand by the assessment I gave. You can try to appeal it with the board if you think I was being mean to you. I can’t imagine you’ll get anywhere, but good luck to you nonetheless. Now, I have an important meeting coming up so I do need to wrap this up. So if you have nothing further-


(sighs heavily)

I was afraid you’d be unwavering on this. If there’s nothing else I can say to convince you otherwise, then I suppose that will be all, yes.

SHOUM stands


Oh, I brought you a gift. I had planned to give it to you to show my appreciation for your understanding. Silly of me as I knew you weren’t going to change your mind. Well, here. You can have this anyway.


You realize this will not affect my decision-


Of course. You might as well have it since I don’t like sweet meema. Didn’t you say you love sweet meema?


Oh, isn’t that sweet. Did you make it yourself?


(holding back her annoyance)

Yes, I made it myself.


Special, just for you.


Well thank you, Shawn. That’s very thoughtful.


It’s… never mind. Enjoy them, Professor Iseon.

The door closes.


Ooh, I do love me some sweet meema. Too bad the little girl thought she could bribe me with this.

Sound of ISEON eating sweet meema. After several bites…


Huh. I feel a bit strange. Probably low blood sugar.

ISEON continues eating


What is this? How strange! How did I come to find this realm?


Hello? Who’s there?


This sensation is so strange. I can hear, smell… but this other sensation! What is all around me?


Who is this? What is happening? Where are you?


Hello, I am Hiya. Who shares space with me? You seem to be confined to a container that delivers a fascinating sensation! Wait, I can control it too!


What are you? Are you in my mind? Why am I touching my arm? Are you controlling my hand? Stop touching my arm… er, stop making me touch my arm. Am I losing my mind?


You seem perfectly lucid to me. We’re sharing mind-space. At least be polite and introduce- ooh, what is this?


These are my clothes. Stop touching my clothes, please. Please give me back control of my body!


This sensation is exquisite! Touching, this is what you call it? I need more!


Stop it! I don’t need you controlling my- stop making me feel the desk!


What are those there?


Those are books. No no no… let’s not go to the… please, don’t. They are in a specific order! Put it back. Don’t- Stop, you’re bending the pages!


Pages! So delicate, so smooth! Ay! Ooh.. that was slightly intense! What was that?


That was a paper cut, thank you. Now if you’ll relinquish-


I want to touch everything! I can’t get enough of this sensation!


Please, you need to stop… put that down! You just got my hand wet!


I need to experience more touching! This is exhilarating!


No, don’t touch the… you’re leaving smears on the windowpane!


It looks like there’s nothing there, but… smooth, cold?


That damn kid! She did this, didn’t she? She brought you from whatever dimension that was she was talking about, didn’t she?


What else can we touch? I don’t want to stop!

A knock on the door


Oh no… my meeting with the Headstone for my review… he’s here now!


Who’s here? I only sense the two of us. Wait… is it another consciousness in its own container?


Yes, it’s another person, but-


Oh, more sensations! This is going to be absolutely delightful! Bring him in!


No no no no no no!